Have you ever been stuck in a customer service line and waited hours for someone to solve your problem? Few things invoke a stronger feeling of helplessness than being overly reliant on someone else and not getting the results needed.
Often, the same is true for corporate IT. Usually, if something isn’t going to plan, we open a ticket and wait for IT to resolve it. Feeling that “Someone will take care of it” has two effects. First, it insulates us from the process once we hand it over to the perceived experts. It also disconnects the IT department from the impact its work has on the day-to-day operation of a company, which is a shame.
Reestablishing the connection between IT and the rest of your company can yield some outstanding benefits for digital transformation projects. Time and again, my conversations with clients have shown me that it pays to make IT an integral part of the organization instead of using that department as some address for troubleshooting that we’d otherwise keep at arm’s length.
For three actionable tips on how to master digital transformation and turn IT into a value driver, join me on Forbes with the Forbes Technology Council.