If tech experts take the time to step into the shoes of their non-tech stakeholders, it becomes easier to develop a presentation highlighting the benefits of the solution they’re recommending in terms the audience can understand and embrace. Here, 16 members of the Forbes Technology Council share their experience to help fellow tech professionals better…
Category: Current Thoughts
Expert Panel Contribution: 14 Essential Features Of A Successful IT Governance Plan
For an IT governance plan or framework to be effective, it’s essential to plan how and by whom tech resources will be used, how they’ll be managed and monitored, what risk comes with their use, and how leadership will know the system is working as expected. Below, 14 members of the Forbes Technology Council list…
Five IT Lessons Schools (And Businesses) Have To Learn Quickly
Major universities have long had a dedicated department focusing on services for off-campus students, but that’s not true for primary and secondary schools. Until recently, only a few countries operated remote public schools—think of kids in the Australian outback. They are used to logging in without giving tech a second thought. The pandemic has provided…
Why You Should Approach IT Like Rocket Science: Five Things To Learn From Satellite Companies
It’s getting crowded in the skies. Companies are busy launching small satellites into low-earth orbit on a weekly schedule. SpaceX alone had more than 1,800 birds in low Earth orbit at the end of November 2021, and experts from Euroconsult estimate that nearly 17,000 satellites will be launched over the coming decade. Most of them…
On The Road Again: Six Ways IT Can Support Remote Team Members
The last two years have drastically diminished the amount of business travel most of us do. Trip expenditures for the fourth quarter of 2021 are projected to be between 25% to 35% below 2019 levels, according to one estimate. Yet, as the pandemic slowly winds down, the first conferences and face-to-face meetings are making their…
Four Ways IT Can Solve The WFH Puzzle
The pandemic keeps throwing curveballs when it comes to returning to the office. Several large companies, including tech powerhouses like Amazon, Apple and Google, have been forced to readjust their cautious reopening plans yet again to cope with new variants, new surges and general uncertainty. No matter whether we’ll have a quarter or half of…
The Cost Of Logging In
My workday probably starts the same way as for most people. I turn on my computer and enter the first password. Dozens of programs and websites open by themselves and half of them demand a password. During the day, I occasionally go to more websites and programs and sometimes must log in there, too. This…
5 Things You Need To Know To Optimize Your Company’s Approach to Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
Over the last few years, we have seen a change in the perception of big tech companies and proprietary software. It used to be that IT professionals thought they could trust the big names in tech and use their products without second-guessing whether they have their customers’ best interests at heart. However, with the maturing…
I AM Living Proof Of The American Dream
Make your own decisions. No one is going to hand you success on a golden plate. The key above all is to be in control of your destiny. I would not have come to the U.S. if I had not decided to pursue the opportunity. Remember to take action when an opportunity comes, and be…
Companies and Activism
Youtube just went ahead and demonetized or banned dozens of channels, that according to Youtube’s statement, did not violate the terms of service. They mostly did it to appease reporters and activists, one VOX reporter in particular. Consequently, the actions seem more like activism and open up the question, when shareholders and their representatives should…