A week ago, I had the pleasure of judging a business competition. Young men and women, between 16 and 25 presented their plans for the next great business, including both their ideas, competitive advantage, sale strategy, and marketing design. It was remarkable to see, how many of these potential startups would rely on an open…
Category: Original Content
Effective Leadership
A few years ago, a new TV Series was making its way through US Television. “Undercover Boss” The premises of the show was, that the C-Officer of a company would go into the day to day work of the employees to discover the inner workings of the company. Hilarity ensured. However, the more profound message…
Debate about Open Source, Free Code and Corporate Leadership
In the last couple of days the debate about Open Source Licenses and the usage of Open Source Software by Cloud Vendors, Amazon in particular, has broken open into the mainstream technology news. With the MariaDB CEO[https://www.zdnet.com/article/mariadb-ceo-accuses-large-cloud-vendors-of-strip-mining-open-source/] leveling criticism at Amazon and Redis Labs[https://www.businessinsider.com/redis-labs-source-available-license-2019-2] doing away with Open Source Licenses on some of their code,…
Giving – How to Buy Happieness
If I give you 20 Dollars, what would you do with it to get the maximum amount of happiness? If it was 100 Dollars? If you said, you would donate or give to a cause, that was the right choice. How can you get the maximum happiness for yourself, both as a professional and when…
Short-Term Gain vs. Long-Term Value
Single Family Rental companies are raising the fees they charge renters while cutting back the services they provide. At the same time, investors are worried that an earning recession could hit their returns in the next six month. And Sears is still bankrupt. No matter where you look in the news recently, you find that…
Ethical Governance of Companies
From Wildfires to Polar Vortexes, Occupy Wall Street to Tax Plans, and Morgage Documents to Equifax, environmental issues, social inequality, and significant data leaks are on the forefront of every newspaper. No matter when you look through the headlines of the day, these issues will come up. When we look at the companies to work…